
Day Trading for Beginners

Well, I’m giving a big shout out to everyone who may be reading this blog…I’m heare to talk about day trading for beginners. One thing that all of us who are currently investing in the stock and commodity markets have in common is the facdt that we all at one time were beginners. There’s hardly anything more intimidating to a newcomer to the markets than the jargon and the terminology and all of the other stuff that makes up the whole base of trading knowledge that you have to have to be able to function in the marketrs. Please forgive my crappy spelling; I can be the world’s worst at proofreading my writings, because honestly I’m not sure if I care enough to go back an fix my mistakes…I actually just want to write what I write as fast as possible…I’ve found that I can type a lot faster when I’m not backpacing every other word to fix it. LOL

A Little Bit About Day Trading

Day trading is not for the faint-hearted. It’s definitely not for the investor that has a gambling or lottery mentality. Yes, you can score big with day trading, but you can also lose a HECK of a lot of money if you’re not careful and conservative with your trading practices. If you hate to be wrong, you’ll really be put through the ringer in the markets, because day trading is not about getting every single trading prediction correct, it’s about two words and two words only: CAPITAL MANAGEMENT. If you can master capital management and learn how to conserve your treading capital, you can absolutely make it in the markets as a day trader.

So What is Day Trading?

Day trading is basically a trading methodology where you enter and exit a trading position on the same day. Some people have had the mistaken notion that day trading means you trade every single day, but that’s just not the case. All it means is that you enter and exit your trade on the same day. “Day trader” doesn’t mean “daily trader”—there is a difference.

As you may or may not be able to tell, day trading takes a lot of discipline, which is why a lot of traders fail. This is not a game for the sloppy investor, or the emotionally-out-of-control trader. Day trading requires you to reign in all those impulses and ego that cause you to bail out of winning trades too quickly (because you want to “prove” to yourself that you’re right) and stay in losing trades too long (because you want to “prove” that you’re not wrong). I’ll put this warning out there for anyone who’s reading, and I’m sorry in advance if I turn off some people from even wanting to try this style of investing, but if you cannot control your emotions, and if you don’t know how to separate your feelings from your trading decisions STAY THE HECK AWAY FROM DAY TRADING. There…somebody had to say it.

But anyway, being that this website will teach day trading for beginners, I hope that you will at least stick around because if nothing else, it will be entertaining (LOL), but hopefully you’ll learn some good trading principles that can really beneifit you in the long run.

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